Hydro power plants can be classified according to many aspects among others we can mention production capacity, type of dams and so on... Hydropower plant with minimum production (0-100kW) normal benefits in terms of investment cost because its low, and also the design is easy and simple compared to mini hydro and large hydro power plant. Research and project are being done to reduce cost in the design, installation, Operation and Maintenance of hydro power plants, this is done as well as on Pico hydro power plants. The only purpose is to reach even to the poorest people living in remote area or isolated to the main grid. In my research, a case study of Mudasomwa Pico hydro power plant (34kW) has been taken, the power plant is being constructed in hilly and remote area, between Remera and Uwumusebeya Cells. This site is around 20 km from the nearest national grid and 1 km from the nearest road. In the villages nearby, people lives normal life as other people in remote villages around the country, their life is based on agriculture, they have schools around, health center, churches and Small shops. The people in villages are excited to be connected to the power plant, some are still having difficult to understand how it works because it will be their first time to live in an electrify world. The life of the villagers before being connected to electricity was examined, a visit was done, as well as interviews and taking notes, the projection of what will be their future life after being connected including the improvement of education sector, reducing pollution, advancement in agriculture and creation of small business was revealed.
My research has a purpose to show how such plants improve the wellbeing of local population and to recommend the Government of Rwanda and private sector to boost and attract the number of investment in powering remote and rural area through localizing all remote area with potential streams and population. This energy may be used not only for lightning but also in agriculture development (mainly irrigation) as well as preparing agriculture production from raw material to final products