The research explores the role of psychosocial support in rehabilitation of inmate: case of Ngoma prison, with 3 specific objectives as to explore the role of psychotherapy, group therapy and psychoeducation in rehabilitation of inmates with qualitative design using semi structure interview for 4 staff from Ngoma prison, RCS and DiDe as NGO who work with RCS in psychosocial areas in Ngoma prison.
The collection of data uses sample size of 65 get from Bouchard’s formula in total population of 137 inmates with purposive and quota sampling in semi structure interview for 3 psychologists and 5 FGD for inmates under 3 approaches such as psychotherapy, group therapy and psychoeducation. The findings focuses on 2 theories which are cognitive behaviour theory which deals with internal dialogue attached on emotions and feelings; and planned behaviour theory which lead to self-intention of human behaviours which is connected to the rehabilitation of inmate which requires self-commitment to avoid any kind of instability
The findings show that, each approach has a role to play in rehabilitation of inmates, where psychotherapy helps with emotional healing, restoration of hope and ability to control emotions.
Group therapy helps self-exploratory, group relationship and compliance to the regulations, and psychoeducation as to increase the quality of service delivery, increase capability to intervene and self-confidence.
The findings show some challenges faced in psychosocial support as limited family visit, low emphasize on psychosocial support program in Ngoma prison and a small number of
professionals and peer educators to fulfill the gaps in service delivery.
The findings led the researchers to some suggestive facts of increasing number of professionals, add more emphasis on psychological aspects in rehabilitation of inmates, additional trainings to peer educators and by increasing their number to reduce the gaps in case of insufficient professionals.
ix For future researchers some suggestions are made to focus on analyzing the root causes of mental instability in prison, challenges faced by RCS in regards with mental health of inmates, the relationship between conditions in prison, internal security and mental health of inmates.