This investigation applies a multinomial logit procedure to demonstrate decisions of fuel for cooking in Rwanda. The decisions considered are five fundamental cooking powers: wood, charcoal, gas, lamp oil and generator; Using the Integrated Household Living Condition Surveys from 2010 up to 2017 (EICVs 2010-2017) data, the study identifies the driving forces that underpin and support the family unit's decision of energy for cooking and investigates the fundamental factors that decide decision of essential cooking fuel choices in Rwanda. The discoveries uncover that area of living arrangement, home possession, family unit size, type of marriage, household income level, and type of habitant play significant role in explaining the probability of cooking energy choices within households. Further the results show that cleaner energy is bound to be utilized in metropolitan families, where family unit with high income more often use LPG compare to others. The study also shows that main stream of family units in Rwanda depend on more on non-clean energy while cooking, and this is more pronounced in rural households.