We study admissible transformations and solve group classification problems for various classes of linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations with an arbitrary number n of space variables. Theaimofthethesisistwofold. Thefirstistheconstructionofthenewtheory of uniform semi-normalized classes of differential equations and its application to solving group classification problems for these classes. Point transformations connecting two equations (source and target) from the class under study may have special properties of semi-normalization. This makes the group classification of that class using the algebraic method more involved. To extend this method we introduce the new notion of uniformly semi-normalized classes. Various types of uniform semi-normalization are studied: with respect to the corresponding equivalencegroup,withrespecttoapropersubgroupoftheequivalencegroupaswellas the corresponding types of weak uniform semi-normalization. An important kind of uniform semi-normalization is given by classes of homogeneous linear differential equations, which we call uniform semi-normalization with respect to linear superposition of solutions. TheclassoflinearSchrödingerequationswithcomplexpotentialsisofthistype and its group classification can be effectively carried out within the framework of the uniform semi-normalization. Computing the equivalence groupoid and the equivalence group of this class, we show that it is uniformly semi-normalized with respect to linear superposition of solutions. This allow us to apply the version of the algebraic method for uniformly semi-normalized classes and to reduce the group classification of this class to the classification of appropriate subalgebras of its equivalence algebra. To single out the classification cases, integers that are invariant under equivalence transformations are introduced. The complete group classification of linear Schrödinger equations is carried out for the cases n =1 and n =2. The second aim is to study group classification problem for classes of generalizednonlinearSchrödingerequationswhicharenotuniformlysemi-normalized. We find their equivalence groupoids and their equivalence groups and then conclude whether these classes are normalized or not. The most appealing classes are the class of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with potentials and modular nonlinearities and the class of generalized Schrödinger equations with complex-valued and, in general, coefficients of Laplacian term. Both these classes are not normalized. The first is partitioned into an infinite number of disjoint normalized subclasses of three kinds: logarithmic nonlinearity, power nonlinearity and general modular nonlinearity. The properties of the Lie invariance algebras of equations from each subclass are studied for arbitrary space dimension n, and the complete group classification is carried out for each subclass in dimension (1+2). The second class is successively reduced into subclasses until we reach the subclass of (1+1)dimensional linear Schrödinger equations with variable mass, which also turns out to be non-normalized. We prove that this class is mapped by a family of point transformations to the class of (1+1)-dimensional linear Schrödinger equations with unique constant mass.