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Vaccine management in public health facilities case study: Wau County, Western BAHR EL GHAZAL State

Show simple item record Agaok, Malual AAkec Ayul 2025-02-12T09:20:52Z 2025-02-12T09:20:52Z 2022
dc.description Master's Dissertation en_US
dc.description.abstract Background: Vaccine management is critical to maintaining vaccine potency or viability that contributes to protecting children from vaccine-preventable diseases VPD and saving their lives. The 2019 Effective Vaccine Management EVM assessment report in South Sudan found that WAU COUNTY performed poorly in nine domains of the World Health Organization WHO criteria. General Objective: The study aims to investigate the major factors affecting vaccine management in public health facilities in Wau County, Western Bahr el Ghazal State. Method: The design was a cross-sectional institutional study using quantitative and Qualitative methods. The sample size was determined by census method. Variables were quantified and analysed using SPSS version - 26. Results: Out of the five (5) types of health facility surveyed, 73% were lower-level health facilities (PHCCs and PHCUs) and 27% are higher level health facilities (Hospitals). On average, 69% of respondents knew about vaccine vial monitor VVM and 67% applied EVM correctly. However, this is less than the 80% required by WHO. Only 42% of participants adhered to WHO/MOH recommended EVM practices. The top three EVM challenges in WAU COUNTY were, Poor policy implementation amounting to 31%, lack of management support 22%, and Cold Chain Equipment CCE 17%. Conclusion: EVM in public health facilities in WAU COUNTY, Western Bahr el Ghazal State WBeGs was inadequate. The knowledge and practice of vaccine handler on EVM was below recommended WHO Standard. There was low adherence to guidelines, and insufficient management support for EVM processes. Recommendations: Health System Strengthening with focus to EPI is recommended at both national and subnational to improvement performance of EVM at lower levels. This entails recruitment, retention and training of Human resource, dissemination of Policy guidelines, establishing Supplies Chain Management data bases. Locally, WAU COUNTY Health Department CHD should conduct quarterly training on EVM and Monthly joint, integrated supportive by SMOH and partners to address the health facility gaps identified. They should maintain the existing cold chain equipment and infrastructure of the storage facilities as well advocate for more Cold Chain Equipment en_US
dc.description.sponsorship University of Rwanda en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject effective vaccine management,WAU COUNTY en_US
dc.title Vaccine management in public health facilities case study: Wau County, Western BAHR EL GHAZAL State en_US
dc.type Dissertation en_US

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