The general purpose of the study was to analyze the extent to which Inyange Industries Ltd is
socially responsible. Specifically it focuses on review of policies and regulations of corporate
social responsibilty practices in Rwanda with respect to manufacturing especially Inyange
Industry during 2011- 2014, examination of current practices and implementations of CSR
with specific reference to Inyange Industry, identify gaps in CSR practices in Inyange
Industry, analysis of strengths and weaknesses in CSR practices (SWOT analysis) with
respect to Inyange Industry during 2011-2014, and to offer suggestions for better practice of
CSR at Inyange Industry. The study was analytical and involved some sampling techniques
used to select sample as well as date collection techniques. The sampling techniques used
include simple random sampling method and purposive method. Purposive method was used
specifically for the two categories of the community around Inyange Industry (Local leaders)
and the customers of Inyange Industry (Distributors) while simple random sampling was used
on Inyange Industry employees only. Data collection method used are, Questionnaire,
Interview was used with the help of an interview guide