Nowadays every organization needs the innovative activities to enhance the organizational performance through its different project; this must be based on the organization culture. This research investigated the impact of organizational culture on innovative activities; it was a comparative study of Africa New Life Ministries and compassion International Rwanda. The specific objectives of this study were: to assess ways in which the top management action adds values on innovative activities; to evaluate the innovative activities in Africa New Life Ministries and Compassion International Rwanda and to assess the relationship between organizational culture and innovative activities. This study adopted a comparative research design to make a
comparative study on organization culture on innovative activities in both organizations. The sample size of the study was 191 respondents from both organizations. The study used a survey method where data was collected using questionnaire and interview guide. The research instruments were distributed in both organizations and data was analyzed using SPSS 25 Version.
The research revealed that top management action adds values on innovation activities at 65.4% in compassion International Rwanda top while at Africa new life was at 75.6%. The study also found the innovational activities at compassion international Rwanda was at 62.9% and at 64.8% at Africa new life ministries. The study also indicated that relationship between organizational culture and innovative activities at compassion international Rwanda, was 67.3% while at Africa new life ministries it was at 64%. The findings revealed that there is a positive correlation between organizational culture and innovative activities at both organizations. The study suggest that the organization has to set a clear structure which bring innovative activities in the place like having a platform where employees will introduce and discuss about new challenges, they are facing which may help the organization to have ability to deal with those challenges and come up with
innovation. The study concluded that if the organization culture is well mainstreamed can help the innovative activities in the organization.