The study assessed the contribution of anti- terrorism clubs in countering radicalization in
Rwanda. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the level of collaboration between anti-terrorism clubs, the community leaders and security organization in countering radicalization in Rwanda; the partnership needed between the anti- terrorism clubs and the security institutions in Rwanda; and describe the factors of success and challenges that the clubs face in countering radicalization activities. The research used qualitative and quantitative research designs; selected population was 30 people; purposive and census survey sampling techniques were used to select 30 respondents as sample size. Data were analyzed using SPSS IBM 23.0 version with descriptive statistical method. Findings revealed that anti-terrorism clubs have moderately collaborated with the police and RIB, and this happened at district levels, and through anti-terror clubs‟ mobilization many people were rehabilitated from terrorist groups.
Unfortunately, anti-terrorism clubs are still faced challenges mainly insufficient and irregular financial supports to members.
Thus, this study concluded that anti-terrorism clubs have vital role in discouraging terror acts through informing protection services in partnership with police, RIB and neighborhood leaders.
For the study recommends Government of Rwanda boards to strengthen and expend the anti-terror clubs at sector level, and in high schools to increase their impact