Does marketing strategy matter for enterprise behaviour and, ultimately, for its market
performance? Should firm adopt exit strategies in the declining stage of the industry life cycle?.
This conceptual study paper seeks to provide an answer for these questions. Different strategy
dimensions of marketing strategy have been discussed as well as consequences of a good or bad
marketing strategy on enterprise performance. As first result from the different marketing
strategy typologies reviewed, the study confirms that marketing strategy predict market
performance outcomes for an enterprise. Marketing strategies form a strong foundation for
enterprise superior performance in multidimensional ways. As second result, the study argues
that enterprises can adopt growth strategies in the declining stage of the industry life cycle. It
shows which marketing strategies are appropriate at different industry life cycle stages. As third
result, the study unveils that marketing strategies differ from country to country, region to region
and from organisation to organisation. Undoubtedly the consequences of customer centric
marketing philosophy will be felt by the customers, through general enterprise innovativeness by
its employees. This study identifies a theoretical knowledge gap in application of industry life
cycle concept in business strategy formulation which other future researchers can fill by carrying
out an empirical study as a continuation of this theoretical work.